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from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, Index, select, Column, \ ForeignKeyConstraint, cast from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes from sqlalchemy import schema as sql_schema from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedDict from .. import util from ..util.sqla_compat import _columns_for_constraint, _is_type_bound class BatchOperationsImpl(object): def __init__(self, operations, table_name, schema, recreate, copy_from, table_args, table_kwargs, reflect_args, reflect_kwargs, naming_convention): if not util.sqla_08: raise NotImplementedError( "batch mode requires SQLAlchemy 0.8 or greater.") self.operations = operations self.table_name = table_name self.schema = schema if recreate not in ('auto', 'always', 'never'): raise ValueError( "recreate may be one of 'auto', 'always', or 'never'.") self.recreate = recreate self.copy_from = copy_from self.table_args = table_args self.table_kwargs = dict(table_kwargs) self.reflect_args = reflect_args self.reflect_kwargs = reflect_kwargs self.naming_convention = naming_convention self.batch = [] @property def dialect(self): return self.operations.impl.dialect @property def impl(self): return self.operations.impl def _should_recreate(self): if self.recreate == 'auto': return self.operations.impl.requires_recreate_in_batch(self) elif self.recreate == 'always': return True else: return False def flush(self): should_recreate = self._should_recreate() if not should_recreate: for opname, arg, kw in self.batch: fn = getattr(self.operations.impl, opname) fn(*arg, **kw) else: if self.naming_convention: m1 = MetaData(naming_convention=self.naming_convention) else: m1 = MetaData() if self.copy_from is not None: existing_table = self.copy_from else: existing_table = Table( self.table_name, m1, schema=self.schema, autoload=True, autoload_with=self.operations.get_bind(), *self.reflect_args, **self.reflect_kwargs) batch_impl = ApplyBatchImpl( existing_table, self.table_args, self.table_kwargs) for opname, arg, kw in self.batch: fn = getattr(batch_impl, opname) fn(*arg, **kw) batch_impl._create(self.impl) def alter_column(self, *arg, **kw): self.batch.append(("alter_column", arg, kw)) def add_column(self, *arg, **kw): self.batch.append(("add_column", arg, kw)) def drop_column(self, *arg, **kw): self.batch.append(("drop_column", arg, kw)) def add_constraint(self, const): self.batch.append(("add_constraint", (const,), {})) def drop_constraint(self, const): self.batch.append(("drop_constraint", (const, ), {})) def rename_table(self, *arg, **kw): self.batch.append(("rename_table", arg, kw)) def create_index(self, idx): self.batch.append(("create_index", (idx,), {})) def drop_index(self, idx): self.batch.append(("drop_index", (idx,), {})) def create_table(self, table): raise NotImplementedError("Can't create table in batch mode") def drop_table(self, table): raise NotImplementedError("Can't drop table in batch mode") class ApplyBatchImpl(object): def __init__(self, table, table_args, table_kwargs): self.table = table # this is a Table object self.table_args = table_args self.table_kwargs = table_kwargs self.new_table = None self.column_transfers = OrderedDict( (c.name, {'expr': c}) for c in self.table.c ) self._grab_table_elements() def _grab_table_elements(self): schema = self.table.schema self.columns = OrderedDict() for c in self.table.c: c_copy = c.copy(schema=schema) c_copy.unique = c_copy.index = False self.columns[c.name] = c_copy self.named_constraints = {} self.unnamed_constraints = [] self.indexes = {} self.new_indexes = {} for const in self.table.constraints: if _is_type_bound(const): continue if const.name: self.named_constraints[const.name] = const else: self.unnamed_constraints.append(const) for idx in self.table.indexes: self.indexes[idx.name] = idx for k in self.table.kwargs: self.table_kwargs.setdefault(k, self.table.kwargs[k]) def _transfer_elements_to_new_table(self): assert self.new_table is None, "Can only create new table once" m = MetaData() schema = self.table.schema self.new_table = new_table = Table( '_alembic_batch_temp', m, *(list(self.columns.values()) + list(self.table_args)), schema=schema, **self.table_kwargs) for const in list(self.named_constraints.values()) + \ self.unnamed_constraints: const_columns = set([ c.key for c in _columns_for_constraint(const)]) if not const_columns.issubset(self.column_transfers): continue const_copy = const.copy(schema=schema, target_table=new_table) if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint): self._setup_referent(m, const) new_table.append_constraint(const_copy) def _gather_indexes_from_both_tables(self): idx = [] idx.extend(self.indexes.values()) for index in self.new_indexes.values(): idx.append( Index( index.name, unique=index.unique, *[self.new_table.c[col] for col in index.columns.keys()], **index.kwargs) ) return idx def _setup_referent(self, metadata, constraint): spec = constraint.elements[0]._get_colspec() parts = spec.split(".") tname = parts[-2] if len(parts) == 3: referent_schema = parts[0] else: referent_schema = None if tname != '_alembic_batch_temp': key = sql_schema._get_table_key(tname, referent_schema) if key in metadata.tables: t = metadata.tables[key] for elem in constraint.elements: colname = elem._get_colspec().split(".")[-1] if not t.c.contains_column(colname): t.append_column( Column(colname, sqltypes.NULLTYPE) ) else: Table( tname, metadata, *[Column(n, sqltypes.NULLTYPE) for n in [elem._get_colspec().split(".")[-1] for elem in constraint.elements]], schema=referent_schema) def _create(self, op_impl): self._transfer_elements_to_new_table() op_impl.prep_table_for_batch(self.table) op_impl.create_table(self.new_table) try: op_impl._exec( self.new_table.insert(inline=True).from_select( list(k for k, transfer in self.column_transfers.items() if 'expr' in transfer), select([ transfer['expr'] for transfer in self.column_transfers.values() if 'expr' in transfer ]) ) ) op_impl.drop_table(self.table) except: op_impl.drop_table(self.new_table) raise else: op_impl.rename_table( "_alembic_batch_temp", self.table.name, schema=self.table.schema ) self.new_table.name = self.table.name try: for idx in self._gather_indexes_from_both_tables(): op_impl.create_index(idx) finally: self.new_table.name = "_alembic_batch_temp" def alter_column(self, table_name, column_name, nullable=None, server_default=False, name=None, type_=None, autoincrement=None, **kw ): existing = self.columns[column_name] existing_transfer = self.column_transfers[column_name] if name is not None and name != column_name: # note that we don't change '.key' - we keep referring # to the renamed column by its old key in _create(). neat! existing.name = name existing_transfer["name"] = name if type_ is not None: type_ = sqltypes.to_instance(type_) existing.type = type_ existing_transfer["expr"] = cast(existing_transfer["expr"], type_) if nullable is not None: existing.nullable = nullable if server_default is not False: existing.server_default = server_default if autoincrement is not None: existing.autoincrement = bool(autoincrement) def add_column(self, table_name, column, **kw): # we copy the column because operations.add_column() # gives us a Column that is part of a Table already. self.columns[column.name] = column.copy(schema=self.table.schema) self.column_transfers[column.name] = {} def drop_column(self, table_name, column, **kw): del self.columns[column.name] del self.column_transfers[column.name] def add_constraint(self, const): if not const.name: raise ValueError("Constraint must have a name") if isinstance(const, sql_schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint): if self.table.primary_key in self.unnamed_constraints: self.unnamed_constraints.remove(self.table.primary_key) self.named_constraints[const.name] = const def drop_constraint(self, const): if not const.name: raise ValueError("Constraint must have a name") try: del self.named_constraints[const.name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No such constraint: '%s'" % const.name) def create_index(self, idx): self.new_indexes[idx.name] = idx def drop_index(self, idx): try: del self.indexes[idx.name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No such index: '%s'" % idx.name) def rename_table(self, *arg, **kw): raise NotImplementedError("TODO")